

Over time, old files build up on your hard drive and all the adding and removing of software leaves behind quite a mess.
All these factors reduce the efficiency of your computer, which means you don’t get the performance you deserve.




“No Fix No Fee Policy” We do not charge if we can not solve the problem. So please call us before your purchase.

Work faster on your computers with support from AIKATEL. Call us

Over time, old files build up on your hard drive and all the adding and removing of software leaves behind quite a mess.
All these factors reduce the efficiency of your computer, which means you don’t get the performance you deserve.

Make Your Computer Work Like New
Our tech experts speed up your computer by removing junk files, fixing Registry errors, defragmenting the hard disk, etc.
Faster Booting and Shutdown
System tweaks reduce your computer’s start-up and shutdown time and you will find that applications run better.
Optimize the Performance
The technicians will delete unwanted files and remove unnecessary background processes to get the best out of the hardware and software.
Update Software and Drivers
Outdated/corrupted applications or drivers can slow down your computer. Let our technicians download the latest versions and update them for optimum performance.
