Setup & Install


Incorrect installation can cause damage to your computer and connected devices. Let Our tech experts assist you and ensure a smooth setup and installation experience.



Setup & Install

“No Fix No Fee Policy” We do not charge if we can not solve the problem. So please call us before your purchase.

Call us to get support for setup and installation of PCs, peripherals, and software.

Support for Setup and Installation
Whether you need help to set up your PC, install software, or configure applications, Our tech support services have got you covered.
Customization of Settings
The technicians at AIKATEL can customize the settings of your computer and software based on your preferences.
Pre-installation Compatibility Check
Before installing a program, our technicians will make sure that it’s compatible with your computer and other software.
Migration of Settings and Data
Want to install a new OS? Get help from AIKATEL to migrate the settings and data so that you don’t lose a single file.

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